




E-mail: wangdingli0826@163.com;通讯地址:河南省开封市龙亭区,河南大学金明校区,生命科学学院。


2024-至今  河南大学 师资博士后(第二站)

2021-2024 河南大学 师资博士后(第一站)

2016-2021 河南大学 生态学 理学博士(硕博连读)

2014-2016 新乡学院 生物技术 理学学士


1. 入侵植物地上昆虫与地下菌根真菌的互作及演化机制

2. 植物-昆虫-土壤微生物的群落水平互作


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目32201428,植食性昆虫多样性对根际微生物多样性的影响及机制-以乌桕为例,2023/01-2025/12,在研,主持

2. 中国博士后面上项目2022M721020, 植食性昆虫对入侵植物-菌根真菌互作的影响及机制,2023-2024,结题,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目U21A20190,植食性昆虫对入侵和本土植物菌根真菌互惠作用的调控及机制,2022/01-2025/12,在研,参与


1. Wang D, Pan M, Biere, A and Ding J*. 2024. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and belowground herbivores interact to determine plant productivity and performance of subsequently feeding conspecifics by changing plant metabolites. Journal of Pest Science. 97: 1647-1660.(一区Top)

2. Wang D, Zhou L, Wang Q and Ding J*. 2020. Plant chemistry determines host preference and performance of an invasive insect. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11:663. (二区Top)

3.Wang D, Wang Q, Sun X, Gao Y and Ding J*. 2020. Potato tuberworm Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) leaf infestation affects performance of conspecific larvae on harvested tubers by inducing chemical defenses. Insects. 11:633.(二区)

4. Wang Q, Huang W, Zhang J, Wang D, Yin W and Ding J*. Investigating plant chemicals and trade-offs between adult preference and larval performance of the rice water weevil. Journal of Pest Science. 95:771-781.

5.Sun X, Siemann E, Liu Z, Wang Q, Wang D, Huang W, Zhang C and Ding J* 2019. Root-feeding larve increase their performance by inducing leaf volatiles that attract above-ground conspecific adults. Journal of Ecology. 107:2713-2723.

6. Sun X, Sun Y, Ma L, Liu Z, Wang Q, Wang D, Zhang C, Yu H, Xu M, Ding J*, and Siemann E. 2022. Multidecadal, continent-level analysis indicates agricultural practices impact wheat aphid loads more than climate change. Communications Biology. 5:761.